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About me

My name is Jorin Vermeulen, I am a geek from the Netherlands.
I enjoyed playing with computers from a very young age, when I joined the dutch youth center Stichting-SCN at the age of 12 I started to learn how to work with Ubuntu and develop websites in PHP, as well as learn more about the internal workings and hardware of a computer.

During these years I have managed several servers, worked with different linux distributions and developed different kind of websites and applications, the latest projects that I have developed can be viewed in my portfolio or github.

As time has passed I’ve worked on several personal projects, some of which can be found in my Portfolio. I have since then also built my own NAS using the Unraid OS and created a few docker containers for my own use. This still is one of my ongoing projects that I like to spend time on.

Where my interest in IT originally started as a programmer, and where I gained most of my knowledge too; My focus has currently shifted towards DevOps & Cloud Engineering.

My favourite artist to listen to is Deadmau5, with the favourite song being Ghost ‘n Stuff.

That said, I do love a bit of 8-bit as well as remixes thereof. So I often listen to SlayRadio as well. It’s a radio station with lots of awesome C64 remixes!
